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Educational Duct Tape: An EdTech Integration Mindset

Jan 9, 2019

Sarah Rivera, PeerGrade, Screencastify, Loom, Battelle FIP & FlipGrid for Feedback EDT003 Show Notes - #EduDuctTape

Jake Miller - @JakeMillerTech -

In Episode 3, Jake shares one of his own Educational Duct Tape stories, a Maya Angelou quote about change and is then joined by Sarah Rivera (@SarahRiveraSTEM) who shares about PeerGrade and other feedback tools as well as...taxidermied armadillos!?


  1. GIF Sticker #EduDuctTape Contest
  2. FlipGrid -
  3. Jake’s Monologue - Educational Duct Tape & doing what works best for you and your students
    • Maya Angelou - “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.
  4. Today’s Guest: Sarah Rivera, high school science teacher Contact Info: @SarahRiveraSTEM for Twitter, email is
  5. 2 Truths & 1 Lie
  6. Question 1: What are some effective ways for Teachers to give Student Feedback that enhances student learning
    • Battelle Formative Instructional Practices (FIP) -
    • Sarah’s Tips for good FIP:
      • Personal connections & rapport are the base layer
      • Utilize rubrics, consider standards-based rubrics, provide students the rubrics ahead of time, utilize rubrics for feedback before using points for scoring
      • Peer Review
    • Picking paper or digital based feedback based on what works best for the learners in specific situation.
    • Screencasted feedback
    • Screencastify -
    • FlipGrid -
    • Google Classroom -
  7. Question 2:  How can we foster opportunities for peer feedback?
    • Students screencasting feedback for their classmates
    • Ways to scaffold this in: have students provide screencasted feedback for younger students or for students at different schools
    • Screencastify or Loom?
    • Loom -
    • PeerGrade -
  8. Follow Sarah on Twitter at @SarahRiveraSTEM on Twitter or reach out to her by email at
  9. Shout-outs to Listeners!